1st and 5th grade book buddies were hard at work building Leprechaun Traps today! This year I know we are going to catch one! #community
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
leprechaun traps
leprechaun traps
leprechaun traps
leprechaun traps
1R enjoyed building their leprechaun traps with their 5th Grade Book Buddies!
almost 2 years ago, Shirin Raval
Creating balloon rockets in 4D to show energy transfer.
almost 2 years ago, Cheryl Doughan
Busy writers in first grade at Coolidge School! Go Cougars!
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
1st grade writing
1st grade writing
1st grade writing
1st grade writing
The Wyckoff School District will have a regular day today, Tues. March 14, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Wyckoff School District
all schools normal schedule
Students hard at work in 3rd grade at Coolidge School! #pursuingexcellence #community Go Cougars!
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
third graders at work
third graders at work
During the month of March Coolidge students are spreading smiles! The Student Council is partnering with the organization, Color a Smile, which sends cheerful coloring pages to those in need of a smile.
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
color a smile
Read Aloud in Kindergarten today @wpscoolidge #community
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
read aloud in kindergarten
Welcome to the Coolidge Supermarket! We’re diving into nutrition by examining different food groups, unhealthy versus healthy, and how healthy foods give our body/brain positive energy 🥥🍳🥑
almost 2 years ago, Jordan Paton
4th Grade P.E.
4th Grade P.E.
4th Grade P.E.
Read Across America inspired lots of creativity in the Media Center!
almost 2 years ago, Susan Needleman
3S had a special mystery reader today! We enjoyed listening to Mr. Famularo read to us.
almost 2 years ago, Monica Sangiorgi
Writing on the desks?! Totally! 3D used their desks as canvas to convert what they know about fraction shapes into fraction number lines!
almost 2 years ago, Calla Dulmage
students write number lines on their desks
students write number lines on their desks.
students write number lines on their desks.
"We can write on our desks?!" Students had fun using fraction strips and drawing number lines on their desks to practice identifying fractions on a number line!
almost 2 years ago, Monica Sangiorgi
Read Across America Week continues here at Coolidge with Book Buddies reading to each other across grade levels. What fun it is for everyone!
almost 2 years ago, Jodi Levine
Book Buddies
Book Buddies 2
Book Buddies 3
Book Buddies 4
Schoolwide Book Buddies taking place at Coolidge School as part of our Read Across America celebration. What a great way to enjoy reading together while building community! Go Cougars!
almost 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
book buddies
Schoolwide book Buddies for Read Across America Day! 4D enjoyed reading to 2A.
almost 2 years ago, Cheryl Doughan
1R is cozying up with good books and PJ's!
almost 2 years ago, Shirin Raval
Fourth graders enjoyed our guest reader Mrs Mapes for Read Across America Week.
almost 2 years ago, Cheryl Doughan
All Wyckoff Public Schools will be closed tomorrow. Have a safe day.
almost 2 years ago, Wyckoff School District
Schools Closed Tomorrow
Coolidge's Read Across America Week celebration kicked off first thing this morning with a SchoolWide Meeting led by Mrs. Needleman and her Library Club volunteers. They involved the school in a Would You Rather game & a competition proving everyone knew their book characters!
almost 2 years ago, Jodi Levine
Mrs. Needleman
Happy Birthday