read across america

We had a busy week at Coolidge School! All students contributed to the creation of a new mural, with Mrs. Teichman adding the finishing touches! Check it out here! Mrs. Boyle is working with students and staff to finish up our large “Cougar Paw” mural that will be mounted on the stairwell leading from the gym to the main hallway. Lastly, Mrs. Teichman is creating a “Cougar Pride” mural which will be revealed shortly. Students also spent time this week engaging in fun Read Across America activities in the media center and throughout the day. Thank you Mrs. Han for organizing this and for promoting a love of reading in our students.

On Wednesday, our 4th grade students will visit the Zabriskie House in Wyckoff. We are so thankful to the volunteer docents who have welcomed us for this trip. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about our local history!

We are finalizing plans for PTO Theme Day this Friday, March 14th, and are looking forward to a fun day. A huge thank you goes out to our PTO for planning this day!

To celebrate Music In Our Schools Month this March, Coolidge School is playing “Name That Tune” during morning announcements. Classes call in to name the song that Mr. Cosman plays over the loudspeaker. This week’s winners were 5-T on Wednesday and 1-O on Friday! 

Parent/Teacher conferences for Kindergarten students will be taking place at the end of March/early April. Please be on the lookout for an email sent from your child’s teacher.  

Message from Mr. Cosman regarding this week’s school musical rehearsals: Check out the updated March Calendar for this week's upcoming musical rehearsal schedule. Students will now enter directly via the gym doors. Contact Mr. Cosman if you have any questions or refer to his email. 


The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) for grades 3-5 will take place on the dates listed below. For planning purposes, please do not plan vacations, days off, or doctor’s and dentist appointments on these days for your students. Students should arrive at school on time, well-rested, with a positive attitude and approach to try their hardest. Academic assessment will be a part of each student’s academic journey so it is important to begin to establish positive attitudes, an academic mindset, and test-taking strategies. Here are the dates:

5/7-5/8 - NJSLA Grades 3-5 ELA

5/13-5/15- NJSLA Grades 3-5 Mathematics

5/20-5/21- NJSLA Grade 5 Science


NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A YOUNGER CHILD AT HOME, NOW IS THE TIME TO REGISTER HIM/HER FOR KINDERGARTEN. Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open. If your child is ready to start their educational journey this fall, please visit our website for details and enrollment instructions. This allows us to properly plan, budget, and prepare for next school year!


03/12- 4th Grade Trip to the Zabriskie House in Wyckoff

03/13- PTO Meeting (virtual) 9:15 AM

03/14- PTO Theme Day

03/14- Trimester 2 Ends

03/17- BOE Meeting

03/21- Report Cards Available on Genesis @3:30 PM - Grades 1-5

5/7-5/8 - NJSLA Grades 3-5 ELA

5/13-5/15- NJSLA Grades 3-5 Mathematics

5/20-5/21- NJSLA Grade 5 Science


Visit our website for Friday Folder Handouts

  • YMCA After School Spring Programs

  • 2025 Spring Tennis Lessons

  • 2025 Spring Golf Flyer

  • Wyckoff Summer Academies Registration

  • Wyckoff Recreation Creative Cooking

  • 2025-2026 Preschool Announcement and Registration

  • Wyckoff Recreation- 1st/2nd Grade Lacrosse Registration

  • Wyckoff Recreation- Spring Baseball/Softball Registration

  • Wyckoff Summer Academies- Music Classes

  • Wyckoff Rec Spring Lacrosse

Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.