Coolidge teachers learning along with math consultant Bill Jackson to enhance math instruction! Thank you Mr. Jackson!
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
math professional development with bill jackson
math professional development with bill jackson
The celebration of the Hour of Code continues in our STEAM Lab with Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 4th graders all enjoying a variety of problem solving and programming activities!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Levine
Hour of Code-Grade 4
Hour of Code- Grade 3
Hour of Code-Grade 1
Hour of Code-Kindergarten
Investigating the properties of Play-Doh in second grade at Coolidge School @wpscoolidge #community
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
properties of play doh
properties of play doh
play doh
The Hour of Code celebrated Internationally was established to "demystify coding". In technology, Ms. Levine and all of the K-5 classes have been working on understanding how to "code". Today, we began the event with 5th graders, as they enjoyed one of many coding options!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Levine
Using Python
Coding Games
Coding with Scratch
Enjoying the Hour of Code
Small group instruction, partner work, and differentiated learning taking place in math in 2nd grade at Coolidge School. #personalized #community Go Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
2nd grade math
2nd grade math
2nd grade math
2nd grade math
Our Coolidge Coat Drive was a great success! Student Council members helped sort and count each coat that was donated. A positive note was created to put inside each pocket for an extra warm smile for the recipient. A grand total of 98 coats were collected, way to go Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Pennino
We collected 98 coats!
Students sorting coats
All hands on deck!
Writing positive notes for the pockets
Wishing a happy and healthy Thanksgiving to the Coolidge School community!
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
Happy Thanksgiving from Coolidge School
Student Council members created a presentation to help lead the school in today's School Wide Meeting! #community
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
schoolwide meeting slide
schoolwide meeting slide
schoolwide meeting slide
schoolwide meeting slide
Exploration in Kindergarten. While working at the Light Table, these kindergarten students explained that they "built a castle that can transform into a cruise ship that can go under the water" . Learning by doing! #community @wpscoolidge
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
kindergarten students working at the light table
Today's SchoolWide Meeting celebrated all of the things we should be thankful for including our newest Student Council representatives. Students played a This or That Thanksgiving game, listened to the Words of Wisdom and showed their Cougar pride!
about 2 years ago, Jodi Levine
Student Council Representatives
Words of Wisdom
SchoolWide Meeting
Cougar Pride
Turkey Trot Races!
about 2 years ago, Cheryl Doughan
Thank you Coolidge PTO for providing snacks and drinks for the faculty room! We appreciate your support and collaboration! @wpscoolidge #community
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
snacks for faculty room
Moving around the room to complete task cards in math supports active and engaged learning in 3rd grade @wpscoolidge #community Go Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
third graders in math
third graders in math
third graders in math
third graders in math
Personalizing learning at Coolidge School through the use of small group instruction. Go Cougars! #community
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
small group instruction
small group instruction
small group instruction
small group instruction
The Coolidge Student Council will be partnering w/One Warm Coat to host a Holiday Coat Drive! Families are encouraged to donate gently used coats to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Paterson. Coats of all sizes will be accepted. The drive will be held from 11/21-11/30.
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
The Coolidge Spring Musical will be announced soon! Which do you hope it to be?
about 2 years ago, Kyle Cosman
The Lion King Jr poster, High School Musical Jr Poster, Beauty and the Beast Jr poster
Playing a game in Kindergarten with counting cubes helps students practice and understand the concept of more or less. @wpscoolidge #community Go Cougars!
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
counting cubes kindergarten
counting cubes kindergarten
counting cubes kindergarten
Coolidge School honors all who have served this Veteran's Day. Thank You! #community @wpscoolidge
about 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
thank you veterans
#throwbackThursday photo from 1982-83 school year. Shopping in Wilma Sikkema's third grade store as part of their math lesson on money are students TS, SP, and KM @wpscoolidge
over 2 years ago, Robert Famularo
throwback thursday photo from 1982
Sledding in November as we observe if ice causes erosion!
over 2 years ago, Cheryl Doughan