2nd gradePTO  kids night

It seems as though students have eased back into the daily school routines after our holiday break. This past week, students spent time reviewing classroom and school norms and expectations, as well as revisiting Hopes and Dreams, and goals for the new year. I know our students are going to have a great rest of the school year and an amazing 2023 filled with academic, physical, and social/emotional growth. 


Stay Connected with Your Child's Learning! Here is the brochure!

The Wyckoff Connected Parent Series offers a variety of dynamic learning opportunities to stay connected with what your child is doing in the classroom. Many of these offerings are specifically designed to help you understand the rationale behind the educational experiences your child encounters on a daily basis. Many sessions will also give you the opportunity to work alongside your child as you explore, dream, imagine, and learn together. Attending these sessions will help you develop meaningful conversations with your elementary or middle school child. Please come to explore all of the academic opportunities that the district has to offer.


I hope everybody had a happy and safe holiday break!  Welcome back to 2023 in the STEAM Lab.  Before the break, all students in grades K-5 wrapped up our Coding unit learning the basics of coding with Kodable in Kindergarten and 1st grade and then moving on to the more advanced elements of Coding in the upper grades using Scratch to create some exciting games and projects.  

As we move forward, the following is about to take place during our Technology time: Kindergarten and 1st Grade are going to be working on a wonderful website called Teach Your Monster to Read, 2nd Graders are going to be learning all about how to create a Slide Presentation using Google Slides and Grades 3, 4 and 5 are going to be starting a multi-media Unit creatively writing out StoryBoards, using the PadCaster/Green Screen and learning about some of the editing tools found in iMovie.  It's an inspiring time in the STEAM Lab and I look forward to sharing some of this exciting work with you in the future.


As we enter the new year, each class will be learning and applying various themes of teamwork. The importance of team communication, motivation, cooperation, strategy, decision-making, problem-solving, and trust will be incorporated into low, medium, and high-intensity games or activities. Grades K-2 will participate in Hungry Hippos, Battleship, Stepping Stones, and more. Grades 3-5 will participate in Rescue Ship, Human Square, Rubik's Cube, and more. We look forward to diving into the important topics surrounding teamwork.


1/12/23- PTO Meeting @ 7 pm (Zoom Only)

1/13/23- 5th-grade band concert for parents- 2:00 PM

1/13/23-  PTO Kids Night (1st 6:00-7:15 pm & 3rd 8:00-9:15 pm)

1/16/23- No School- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day/Staff Professional Development Day


Visit our Website for Friday Folder Announcements

Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.