A huge thank you goes out to the Coolidge PTO and the many parent volunteers who helped make our recent Book Fair and Walk to School events a success. It is a pleasure to partner with supportive parents as we work together to help our students succeed academically, as well as socially and emotionally.
In addition to Twitter and Facebook, parents are encouraged to follow Coolidge School on Instagram as well.
Our Halloween Parade will take place at 2:30 pm on 10/31. As there will be a lot of parents on hand, please be sure to plan enough time so you can park safely and legally. Once the lot is filled you will need to park in the streets adjacent to the school. Please be considerate of our neighbors on these streets.
K-1 students may wear their costumes to school in the morning. Students in grades 2-5 are asked to bring their costumes to school and change into them after lunch. If it is easier for 2-5 students to wear part of their costume to school that is fine as long as they are able to safely navigate around.
Class parents will be joining classrooms at some point during the day to engage the students with a fun game, activity, or craft. No food will be served in school. We ask parents not to send in any treats or goodie bags (edible or non-edible) with their children as teachers are not permitted to distribute those to the students.
We are very appreciative of parent volunteers helping to serve pizza and bagel lunch at school. However, safety, security, and the orderly operation of the school must take priority. Please review the following guidelines when volunteering, especially for pizza and bagel lunch.
All visitors must sign in at the main office. You will need your driver’s license or fob. The visitor’s badge must be worn clearly on your shirt/jacket.
When volunteering in the school you are not permitted to take photos or videos of students.
Do not use student bathrooms. If you need to use the restroom, you must report back to the main office and you will be directed from there.
Exterior doors cannot be propped open at any time (even for a few seconds).
Your job is to make sure the students have the food they ordered. Do not sit down and join the children at the lunch tables.
When finished with your shift, you should leave the MPR and sign out at the main office.
Parents are not permitted to travel around the school, wave at the door of their child’s class, etc.
Please be on the lookout for an email from your child’s homeroom teacher (if you have not received one already) to sign up for a parent teacher conference on November 2nd or 16th.
Here are some reminders and guidelines on how you can make the most out of your upcoming conference:
● Parents should enter via the main entrance and sign in at the office. You will need your driver’s license or fob. Be prompt and contact your child’s teacher immediately if you have to reschedule. If you arrive late to a conference it will only allow for a shorter conference since our teachers are on a very tight schedule and don’t want to cut into anyone else’s conference time.
● Prior to the conference, think about any questions you might have and consider emailing the teacher ahead of time so he/she can be prepared to discuss your questions.
● Academic growth and social/emotional growth are both important. Try not to place a heavier emphasis on one over the other.
● Fall conferences are a time to discuss progress to date and map out goals for what’s ahead. It’s only November, so your child should be approaching grade level standards and may not have mastered them at this time. Be realistic about their goals and celebrate what your children are doing well and share a growth mindset for what’s ahead.
● If you have questions that you know will go beyond your allotted time, respectfully request that you have a follow-up phone call.
Keep the lines of communication open with your child(ren)'s teachers and the school throughout the year. It is when we communicate, collaborate, and work together that we see tremendous student growth and progress.
Most importantly, don’t forget to celebrate with your child after the conference. Have a conversation with your child to let them know how proud you are of them and share goals and anything you hope to do to continue supporting their growth as a partner with the school. We look forward to seeing you all at the November conferences!
Minimum Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences- 11/2 and 11/16
Visit our Website for Friday Folder Announcements
Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.