author visit robert skead

Please note that the Wyckoff Board of Education Meeting scheduled for March 11th has been rescheduled to March 18th.

Thanks to the generosity of the Wyckoff Education Foundation (WEF), we are pleased to bring a special 6-week program to our Kindergarten students from the Health Barn, USA. The program is scheduled to begin on March 14th and will take place once per week for six weeks.

To cap off Read Across America Week, Coolidge School welcomed author and Coolidge alumnus, Robert Skead, on Friday to speak with our students. Mr. Skead spoke about his books, the writing process, and the inspiration for his work. Thank you Coolidge PTO for funding this visit!

This week our 4th grade students will visit the Zabriskie House in Wyckoff. We are so thankful to the volunteer docents who have welcomed us for this trip. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about our local history!

Message from Mr. Cosman regarding the school musical rehearsals: Check out the updated March Calendar for this week's upcoming musical rehearsal schedule. Performers should enter through the gym doors at 8:20. 

Parent/Teacher conferences for Kindergarten students will be taking place during the beginning of April. Please be on the lookout for an email from your child’s teacher.  


K- In Kindergarten, students have integrated using their iPads in class. We are using a lot of ready-to-read applications and we have begun some low-level coding. In K, we try to move around a lot to different stations, allowing students to fully embrace all parts of STEAM while they are here.

1st & 2nd- In first and second grade, students recently made their own Stop Motion movies! Over the last month, students have built playdough creations, illustrated detailed scenery, and filmed videos using the StopMotion app. Videos were shared with parents via email! In first grade, we will learn how to navigate some of the Google Apps in the coming weeks. In 2nd grade, we are beginning a new "How-To" book project using Wixie. 

3rd- In third grade, students created a Wixie presentation: "Interview an Animal". Students researched an animal, answered questions, created a presentation, and recorded their voices to teach their peers about an animal of their choosing. Looking ahead, 3rd graders will continue to explore Wixie as they create a How-To book, as well.

4th- In 4th grade, we are working on an Ozobot Carnival, where groups work together to create a game or Ozobot obstacle course that their peers must code to solve. Students are currently in the planning phase of this, but I can't wait to see how they turn out!

5th- 5th graders are in the process of creating an iMovie project. Students researched a topic of their choosing, wrote scripts, recorded in front of a green screen, and are now learning about the different elements of iMovie to create their finished product! They are fast learners and are doing an amazing job! 


The New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) for grades 3-5 will take place on the dates listed below. For planning purposes, please do not plan vacations, days off, or doctor’s and dentist appointments on these days for your students. Students should arrive at school on time, well-rested, with a positive attitude and approach to try their hardest on these assessments. Here are the dates:

May 7th-8th- Language Arts Grades 3-5

May 9th-10th- Science Grade 5 ONLY

May 14th-16th- Mathematics Grades 3-5


Join Mrs. Needleman, media specialist, and Mrs. Provost, technology teacher, on Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 4:00-5:30 in the Coolidge MPR for Coolidge's Family STEAM Night. You and your children will engage in hands-on activities and get a glimpse of some of the technologies they use in the classroom. Space is limited, and will be capped, so sign up today. Here is the link to sign up


3/12- Zabriskie House Trip- 4th Grade

3/13- PTO Science Fair- 6:30 PM

3/15- Marking Period 2 Ends

3/21- Family STEAM Night (sign-up required)

3/22- Report Cards Available on Genesis (Grades 1-5) @3:30 PM

3/27- First Grade Trip to Wyckoff Library

3/29- Wyckoff Schools Closed


Visit our website for Friday Folder Handouts

  • Wyckoff Summer Academies Registration

  • Torpedoes- Tryouts

  • 2nd Grade Cheerleading Registration

  • 2024 Cheerleading Registration

  • Flag Football Registration

  • Raider Football Registration

  • Health Barn Rainbow Swirly Smoothie Recipe

  • 2024 Spring Lacrosse Registration

  • 2024-2025- Integrated Preschool Registration

  • 2024 Spring Baseball and Softball Registration

  • Student Council Meeting Dates

Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.