Dear parents of instrumental music students,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our 5th grade Winter Concert next Friday, January 12th at 2 pm*. Parents should enter directly via the gymnasium doors. There will be no before-school band rehearsal that day. Students should arrive at school at their regular time dressed for the concert.
Concert attire: something for a special occasion, e.g.
Option 1: a dress; skirt/blouse, etc.
Option 2: khaki pants/slacks; with a collared shirt
*5th grade instrumental students will also perform for K-3 students at 10AM the same day.
See you at the concert!
Justin Vetrero and Eric Weidman
Instrumental Music Instructors
As part of our District Connected Parents Series, there will be two upcoming parent workshops that might be of interest to you. Click the links below for more information and to register for each event.
Classroom Co-Teaching Models and Instructional Strategies to Support All Learners- Wednesday, 1/17 from 5:00-6:00 PM at Sicomac School
Cultivating Mathematical Success for Your Child- Friday, 1/12 from 10:15-11:15 AM and Wednesday, 1/31 from 6:00-7:00 PM at Lincoln School
1/11- Student Council Meeting Grades 4-5- 8:00 AM
1/12- 5th Grade Band Concert- 2:00 PM
1/15- Wyckoff Schools Closed for Students- MLK Day
1/18- 5th Grade Band Field Trip
Visit our website for Friday Folder Handouts
Connected Parent Series- Parent Workshop- 1/17/24
Connected Parent Series- Parent Workshop- 1/12 and 1/31
Wyckoff Library- Winter Reading Challenge
Flow Follies
2024 Spring Lacrosse Registration
2024-2025- Integrated Preschool Registration
2024 Spring Baseball and Softball Registration
Student Council Meeting Dates
Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.