Thank you to Mrs. Mapes for coordinating our Week of Respect activities last week. These activities allowed us to celebrate all that we do all year long to promote kindness and respect. I am proud of our students who demonstrate leadership in this area throughout the year and who make an effort to support a strong school community.
Student Council campaigns are in full swing for our 5th-grade students with speeches and voting taking place this Friday. We are impressed with the number of students who are “running for office” and have taken part in the democratic process at Coolidge School. I hope many 4th and 5th grade students attend Student Council meetings this year as active and contributing citizens of our school community.
The Coolidge Cougar made an appearance at drop-off on Wednesday for Walk to School Day. It was awesome to see so many families walking with their children to school. Thank you to the Coolidge Cougar for greeting our students and to Mr. Cosman for sharing your “walking-themed” playlist with us to make for a festive event!
School Picture Day will take place on Monday, October 16th. More information will be provided this week regarding that event.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on November 6th from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM and November 13th from 2:00-7:00 PM. There will be no school for students on 11/6 and a minimum day on 11/13. You should expect an email from your child’s teacher next Friday with more information and a link to sign up for a conference. If you would like any other staff members present please let your child’s teacher know. Additionally, feel free to reach out to any special area teacher or other staff member via email to set up a separate conference with them. The Staff Directory can be found here.
10/12/23- District Strategic Planning Session at EMS Session #1 of 3- 7:00-8:30 PM
10/16/23- School Picture Day (more information to follow)
10/20/23- Coolidge PTO Harvest Festival (3:20-4:30 pm)
11/6- School Closed for Students
11/6- Parent/Teacher Conferences 12 pm-8 pm (more information to follow)
11/13- Minimum Day for Students
11/13- Parent/Teacher Conferences 2 pm-7 pm (more information to follow)
Visit our website for Friday Folder Handouts
Magma Math Parent Workshop- 10/25- 9:30am
Creative Cooking Grades K-2- Wyckoff Recreation
Wyckoff Public Library- Robert Skead Book Launch
Rec Basketball
Roller Hockey
Rec Basketball Men
Visit the Coolidge PTO's website for handouts and PTO-related information.